Frequently Asked Questions
- What can I do if I don’t agree with the recommendation of the IEP Team?
Collaboration with the Child Study Team is the best practice. Public schools are required by law to provide a free appropriate education and the IEP should agree on what is appropriate in accordance with the least restrictive environment (LRE). Results of evaluations, teacher reports, test results and medical data and others are factors considered and recommendations are contingent on the aforementioned factors. If you disagree with recommended services, you can write a letter to the Child Study Team and CST will follow up with a meeting. Discussion will move to the Supervisor and Director’s level if services cannot be agreed on; mediation and due process hearing are the steps that can also be taken.
- The school states that my child doesn’t qualify for special education despite a medical diagnosis, how is it possible?
Medical disorders are not considered a qualifying conditions for special education. Furthermore, mild to moderate medical conditions can usually be addressed through 504 plan modifications. Often, the school’s guidance counselor is usually the assigned case manager for a 504 plan. If the child’s medical condition severely impacts your child academically, you may request a special education evaluation. If academic impact is established, your child may qualify. At that time, the IEP team will meet to determine which special education and related services will be needed to address the child’s learning deficits in accordance with LRE.
- What can I do if my child’s IEP doesn’t seem to help him/her?
Any concerns regarding your child’s IEP can be addressed with the assigned case manager, who is responsible for IEP implementation. The IEP is a revolving document and can be amended if it is determined that the child has not made the adequate progress after your concerns are addressed, and services are negotiated during an IEP meeting. New goals and services can be modified or added in the IEP as agreed upon with the IEP team.
- How are the IEP and 504 plan different?
An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is provided only when a student qualifies for special education under one of 13 qualifications and is governed by IDEA. The 504 plan is an educational plan that is provided for a student who requires modifications or accommodations within the regular classroom environment and is a component of the American with Disabilities Act .
- The school is not following my child’s IEP; how do I address this problem?
Since your child has an active IEP, you should request a meeting with CST to address your concerns immediately and be clear if you want someone specific at the meeting.