Information for Families
Free and Reduced Meal Application
The Elizabeth Public Schools offers free meals for students of families with limited resources. Families are eligible to apply for free student meals at any time during the year as circumstances may change. Those qualifying for the federal program must re-apply each year to remain an active participant in the programs.
Elizabeth Public Schools is pleased to announce the availability of applying online. The process is safe and secure, private and available anytime, anywhere. Please click the link below if you wish to apply: -
District's 504/ADA
The district’s 504/ADA Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the district’s efforts to comply and fulfill its responsibilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and its implementing regulations, as well as Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The 504/ADA coordinator will oversee the review of any complaints of discrimination based on disability, which may be filed pursuant to the Board of Education’s adopted grievance procedure.
Athletics Information
The philosophy of the Elizabeth Athletic Department is that co-curricular activities serve to re-enforce the vision goals and promise of the school district.