Amistad Collaborative Community Forum - Uniting Elizabeth Public Schools and the Community-at- Large
On November 16, 2021 the Elizabeth Board of Education hosted at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Early Childhood Center School #52 the second Amistad Collaborative Community Forum. The community heard a report from Dr. Davida Lindsay-Harewood pertaining to the progress made by EPS in meeting the requirements of the Amistad Mandate.
Beyond February Amistad in Elizabeth Public Schools
On March 24 teachers in grades k-12 received professional development on the Amistad Mandate hosted by Dr. Davida Lindsay-Harewood. Dr. Lindsay- Harewood is recognized as one of the most knowledgeable individuals in the state in articulating the importance of insuring that African American history is taught in an inclusive way by establishing the connection between American History and the African American experience since the founding of our nation. Dr. Lindsay-Harewood has been working closely with EPS educators and interested stakeholders from the community to ensure that our Amistad curriculum provides rich learning opportunities for our students. Below are the different training segments.