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Presentation and Adoption of the 2024-2025 School Year Budget

A public hearing meeting was held by the Elizabeth Board of Education on May 2 at Donald Stewart Early Childhood Center School No. 51 for the presentation and adoption of the 2024-2025 School Year Budget and 2024-2025 Early Childhood Budget. Elizabeth Public Schools Superintendent Olga Hugelmeyer and School Business Administrator/Board Secretary Harold E. Kennedy, Jr. presented the budget proposal to the Board, with highlights including the acquisition of Immaculate Conception​ for the new JVJ STEM Academy 9th Grade Annex, the acquisition of St. Adalbert for Jerome Dunn Academy School No. 9, the funding for 106 new certified personnel and 61 non-certified personnel, $8.4 M in funds of American Rescue Plan funded initiatives transitioning into the district budget, the development of new technical theater (technology and deign), electrocardiograph technology, and pharmacy technician career strands and the expansion of manufacturing and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) career programs, the new SCOIR College Management System, and various capital projects to maintain the district's schools and administrative offices.

The $759.4 M 2024-2025 School Year Budget and $52.7 M 2024-2025 Early Childhood Budget were both passed unanimously by the nine-member Board.