Audition at Jefferson Arts

  • This is the beginning of one of the most important experiences of your life! We look forward to welcoming you to our family at Jeff and helping you achieve academic and creative excellence.

    Please consult our audition guide for a description of how to prepare and our FAQ for answers to some common questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Frequently Asked Questions about Auditioning at Thomas Jefferson Arts Academy

    1. What happens if I do not do well in my audition?

      The purpose of our audition process is to screen students for the purposes of course selection—not to simply screen students out. All young artists, including novices, are encouraged to audition. Our school is committed to providing excellent educational experiences to students of all backgrounds. As such, we regularly offer beginner courses and extracurricular practice sessions for interested novices.

    2. The audition guide states that the audio and visual media program audition requires a student to create a brief film independently, but I do not own video recording equipment. What do I do?

      Students may report to the audition with their own videos (e.g. drawn from a camcorder, flipcam, phone camera, iPod) or use cameras provided by the school during scheduled audition periods.

    3. The audition guide for theater asks that I prepare to perform a brief monologue. Where can I find monologues?

      Students searching for monologues for our theater audition may find the following sites helpful:

    4. I am auditioning for the performing arts program in instrumental music. Am I required to bring my own instrument to the audition?

      Yes. Students auditioning for instrumental music must bring their own instruments... except for pianos!

    5. I am auditioning for a program that requires a portfolio (i.e. creative writing and visual arts), but I am not sure if the collection of work that I have can really be considered "a portfolio." What should I do?

      If a student is unsure if his/her portfolio pieces are sufficient, we encourage him/her to visit the audition in order to elicit feedback from our teachers.

    6. I am an eighth grader currently attending an Elizabeth Public School. If I have a portfolio (e.g. creative writing pieces, visual arts portfolio) or audition video (i.e. for A/V Media) that can easily be mailed, may I mail it to Thomas Jefferson Arts Academy?

      Yes. We recommend handing in the artifact(s) to your guidance counselor or homeroom teacher and asking him/her to mail it to Jefferson Arts through the Elizabeth Public Schools interoffice mail. Please be sure to include your name, ID number, and current school with your artifact(s).

    7. How do I schedule an audition?

      Please note: For EPS 8th graders auditioning on designated, open audition dates, no appointment is needed. For all other students, auditions are scheduled by contacting our guidance department at 908.436.6729.

    8. May I audition for more than one studio program?

      Yes. You may audition for up to three programs. However, all students will be asked to select one studio program to complete as part of their studies at Jefferson Arts.
  • TJAA 2024-2025 Auditions