Cell Phone & Electronic Device Policy

  • Cell phones or other electronic devices, aside from the school-issued laptop, cannot be visible and/or used in classrooms and hallways at any time.  The only exception to this rule is with written permission from a teacher for a specified activity.  Bluetooth speakers are not allowed in the building and will be confiscated at the school entrance. If parents need to contact students, they can call the main office at 908.436.6500. 

    Cell phone use is permitted in the cafeteria during breakfast and lunch time only. 

    First offense for cell phone and electronic device infraction: Phone or device will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the day.  An after-school detention must be served.

    Second offense for cell phone and electronic device infraction: Phone or device will be confiscated and a parent must come in to pick up the phone or device.  A Saturday detention must be served. 

    If a student refuses to give up the phone or electronic device to a teacher, the student will be given a suspension pending parent conference and a Saturday detention.

    Headphones are not allowed to be visible or used in the classrooms or hallways unless a teacher has given specific written permission for specified activities.  Students can use headphones in the cafeteria during breakfast and lunch times only.  After-school detention, parent conferences, and Saturday detentions will be given to students who do not comply.