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Elmora School NO 12’s Revalidates AVID National Demonstration Status

On Thursday, March 21st, Elmora School No. 12 revalidated their AVID National Demonstration status and hosted an AVID Showcase.  Many Elizabeth Public School Team members, including out of district educators from White Plains, Delaware, Trenton, Highlands, and Christina School District, visited classrooms pre-k to 8 to observe WICOR strategies.  Validator, Mrs. Shanda Martin, Southeast Associate AVID Director, applauded the School 12 Family for the school’s vibrant college culture along with students’ bravery to participate in Philosophical Chairs, Socratic Seminars, and share their binders with guests.   During the College Café question and answer, students explained how they take daily focused notes in all classes, as well as how AVID has helped them improve both academically and socially. As per validator Shanda Martin, Elmora School 12 exudes college and career readiness, and it is evident that the entire staff shares the belief that all our students will leave Elmora University with a clear goal to graduate high school and move on to college, ready for their future careers.

School 12’s Avid Teachers, Mrs. Lopes, Mrs. Sandholm, and Mr. Maldonado, along with AVID Coordinator, Mrs. DeFillippis, have been instrumental in ensuring Elmora School No. 12 reached the goal of being validated once again as an AVID National Demonstration School. Their perseverance and commitment to the AVID system is admirable.